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One of the biggest things that will help you in terms of determining your wedding and any other event’s budget is to prioritize.
Sit down with your fiance and think about all the things that make up your special day then decide what’s most important to you individually and then compare your priority lists. This might be your first step in marital compromising,but its important to take both of your wants and desires into consideration. Hopefully there will be overlap on your lists,and you can set those as your top priorities.
May be your dream wedding dress is top on your list and an epic honey moon is at the top of your partner’s, you can still focus on the two areas and then cut your budget in the areas that are not so important to both of you.
Below is a simple guide to make this easier for you.
1. Create a list of Non-Negotiables;
Just like in your daily life,create a list of must-have items at your event. It cannot be every single thing you have dreamed of on your special day but rather the things you may never forgive yourself for if you cut them out of your plan. It could be a live band, posh decor or anything you consider so dear to you. Prioritize your expenditure in such places before you start spending it anywhere else.
2.Think about the number of Guests Vs Experience.
You’re already aware that there is an amount associated with every individual you choose to invite. Therefore it is important to weigh how much you’re willing to spend on the many guests rather than on your personal experience for your good day.
Would you rather have a professional photographer for great portraits to remember your special day,or rather compromise it by inviting your entire extended family!
Figure out what balance you want to strike between guest count and event experience from the very get-go and let this guide your planning throughout.
3.Focus on quality over quantity.
Rather than having tons of mediocre event elements,we recommend picking one big-ticket item for design,entertainment ,food and beverage,etc that will wow your guests.
May be your wow factor could be a signature cocktail,custom-built bar,etc
4.Consult on creative ways to cut the budget.
If a vendor estimate comes out much higher than you expected or having trouble of fitting your dream wedding,kwanjula,kuhingira budget into your actual budget, you can consult an event planner for suggestions on places to cut or sit down with the actual vendors to customize their rates to your budget.
For example if your photography and videography budget is more than your anticipated budget, talk to your vendor and see how to make adjustments in the package offer to fit your budget.
Aligning your priorities with your wedding plans will help you plan a stress free event.
Amidst this mix,it is always important to engage with your intended vendors to help you achieve your budget goal.
But did you know that photography and videography should be on top of your priority list?
This is because after all the good food has been consumed,the beautiful dress kept and the wonderful decor served it’s purpose on the d-day, all you have left to keep these beautiful memories alive are the good portraits and video.
Contact Paramount Images and Studio to have the best memories for all your special events on;
Email: ask@paramount.ug /jameslubinga@gmail.com
Call/watsup 256 776 818 763
Location; Serena conference centre basement Room 4,Kampala-Uganda.