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ISO 142 - lens48mm - AP2.2 AWB

James & Claire

  • engagement
  • 7 years ago

It was love at first sight. Claire had just returned from the UK to do her internship here in Uganda. Her Uncle posted her at the same bank where James worked. As luck may have it, James was planning to retire from the bank at exactly the same time that Claire joined. Did he stay a little longer? Well, he says he couldn’t get his eyes off her. He knew instantly she was the real catch.
Claire says they started out as friends thought it took James a while to make his intentions known.
Fast forward, while in the UK pursuing her degree, she received a picture of a ring from James with a message that it belonged to her. Claire was skeptical and didn’t take it serious until she returned back home. James honoured her request and had a small and private proposal.
Enjoy more of their love story in this video.