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ISO 142 - lens48mm - AP2.2 AWB

Patrick & Daisy

  • wedding
  • 6 years ago

” Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be…..” Robert Browning
This seemed to be the phrase running through Patrick and Daisy’s minds on 19.01.2019 when they got to tie the knot at Rubaga Cathedral in such a fabulous event.
Daisy was dressed in a ball gown and held the unique cascading bouquet. Her matron in a stunning cream dress that flattered her body perfectly and her girl squad chose to pull it off with a rarely used green color which made them really stand out.
Patrick and his best man dressed in white and black suits, and the rest of the squad used black suits and white shirts
Later we moved to the luscious lawn gardens of Speke resort Munyonyo for a shoot before heading for their reception set at Freedom city where the guests were treated to plenty of eats,drinks and entertainment.
It was such a joy to behold.