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  • January 21, 2021

How to stick to your set wedding budget in Uganda come 2021

It’s one thing to set a budget,but it’s completely another thing to stick to it. Setting the budget is actually the easier part but when it comes to keeping up with it,it’s a great challenge to many not only in events but also in daily life.
Below are some steps to help you stick to your budget,be it wedding,kwanjula,kuhingira,birthday or any other.
1.Get clear on your priorities;
Setting your wedding budget includes identifying your priorities. Then ,use these to guide your wedding decisions especially when it comes to spending.
2.Mind your maximum spend.
If you have outlined your budget well,you should be clear about how much you’re willing to spend and where the money will come from. it is important to get specific about the max and not going beyond that figure,even if you technically could afford to spend more. So when you realise that the extra 1m is taking away from your first home down payment ,then you will think twice before splurging on an extra dress.
3.Get organised;
When planning an event,it is important to be organised from the start. Make sure to track everything by keeping receipts and all other neccesary record of every penny that you spend so you know what you have spent and what you have left to work with. Otherwise if you don’t keep up with tracking your spending along the way,you may not realise the extent of your spending until the last few weeks leading up to the big day when final payments need to be made. We don’t want you to have to endure payment panic,so do yourself a favour and stay on top of it.
4.Be flexible with your funds;
You should be willing to make necessary cuts and adjustments if you overspend in certain areas.
5.Leave some wiggle room;
You should leave some room to move in your budget as a safety net of some sort usually referred to as miscellaneous. It is a good thing to do in case any unexpected cost arises or may be if a particular item is more expensive than you had initially anticipated. For instance if your max spend is 30M,budget as if you’re working with 25M.
This will allow for adjustments while ensuring you don’t go over planned expenditure.
5.Protect yourself from inspiration overload.
Avoid peer pressure or falling into the comparison trap based on what other friends or family have done. Check stock-traders routinewealth.

The first thing you need to do to stick to your budget is to actually set the budget. Do not make the mistake of venue tours and interviewing potential vendors say photography before you know how much you have to spend.
At Paramount Images,we interact with many people who actually do not know what they intend to spend on photography and videography when they first contact us. It is always easier to agree with someone who has an estimated cost for a particular service. But never the less as professionals,we are always ready to guide you through to have the best for your special day.
Contact us;
Email or
Call/watsup 256 776 818 763
Location: Serena conference centre basement.Room 4,Kampala Uganda.