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It is great to make your wedding guests feel welcomed and appreciated from the beginning of the invitation and all through the ceremony. Here is how;
Spending time with your guests; Do not make your guests feel like strangers on your wedding day. Give your guests a sweet smile, Chat and Hang out with them by taking photos and also try your best to stop by each table to greet them and thank them for honoring your invite.
Wedding Favors; Guests notice and appreciate any good favors and these can light up there day. Do not think it is a waste of money, it is actually worth the cost as these become sentimental items to cherish.Always mind practicability and creativity when choosing them.
Handwritten notes on each table; Plan with your wedding decorator for decorative items that have a thank you message to appreciate them for being part of your special day. These could even double as favors.
Unobstructed view; Consider a strategic ceremony set up to give your guests a clear of all events at the ceremony.
Clear venue Guidance; Clear and easy to use venue location GPS navigation really helps your guests to find your wedding venue easily and thus a good experience for them.
Send Personal Thank you Messages after the Wedding; Send a heartfelt thank you message after the wedding to show appreciation for their presence. They left other assignments to make it to your event so you should never take that for granted.
It is always important to share your marriage happiness with your wedding guests and to let them know how important they are and how much you appreciate them for taking time to attend your wedding.
We share Wedding Tips based on our expertise of Photographing Weddings for over a Decade.
Contact us on 0776818763
Email; ask@paramount.ug/jameslubinga@gmail.com
Location;Serena Conference Center Basement, Room4. Kampala-Uganda.